7th Grade Bowling Quiz


Name:__________________________                                                                                                  Class Pd._______





Directions:  For each of the following statements place a ‘T’ on the line if the statement is true or an ‘F’ on the line if the statement is false.



_____1. Bowling originated in Eastern Europe.


_____2. The bowling lane is 90 feet longs from the No. 1 pin to the foul line.


_____3. A single game of bowling consists of 9 frames.


_____4. There are 10 pins in the game of modern bowling.


_____5. For each frame a bowler is allowed 2 rolls to try and knock down all the pins.


_____6. A split is when a bowler has two or more pins left on the opposite side of the lane.


_____7. A perfect game is when a bowler manages to score 10 strikes in a row in the same game.


_____8. A ‘turkey’ occurs when a bowler gets three strikes in a row.



Figure the score for each frame. Each frame is worth 1 pt. per frame.


    6    3    4    /    5    4            X    9    /    6    2    7    /    5    3    2    7    6    /    3


                            33                                                        100