Pitch Softball

Study Guide
What is it?
softball is played by two teams of ten players each. The teams take it in turns
to bat and field. The batting team is called the offensive team and the fielding
team is called the defensive team. Most slow-pitch softball is played by mixed
teams, where men and women play together, usually in 5:5. The basics of softball
are very simple. One player, the pitcher, pitches the ball to a batter who hits
it and runs around as many bases as possible before the ball is retrieved and
returned under control by the defensive team. The aim of the game is to score
more runs than the opposition, and a run is scored when a player on the batting
team advances successfully around all three bases and back to the home base.
General Rules
- Each game
consists of 7 innings; an inning is completed when each team has batted or 3
outs have occurred.
- Batters will
be in predetermined batting order, alternating boy/girl.
- If the ball
is caught in the air the batter is out and any runners must tag the base
they were on before they advance to the next base.
- A batter is
out if the ball is fielded and thrown to first base before the runner
reaches the base.
- Each pitch
should be between the heights of 6-12 feet. The ball must hit the carpet to
be considered a strike.
- If the ball
does not hit a portion of the carpet it will be counted as a ball.
- Each player
is given 3 strikes and 4 balls.
- Bunting is
not allowed in slow-pitch.
- If the player
is unable to contact the ball on the third strike or it goes foul, the
batter is out.
- If the
pitcher is unable to pitch strikes the batter may take his/her base after 4
balls have been pitched.
Fair and Foul
A ball is
considered fair if:
- It lands in
the outfield (in fair territory) and rolls foul.
- It is hit
into foul territory and rolls fair.
- If it hits 1st
or 3rd base no matter where it goes afterward.
A ball is
considered foul if:
- It is hit
into the infield (in fair territory) but then rolls foul before it passes
first or third base.
- It is hit
into foul territory outside the outfield and then rolls into fair territory.
Base Running:
- You are not
allowed to lead off or steal a base in slow-pitch softball.
- You can only
advance to the next base after the ball has been hit.
- If the ball
is caught in the air, the base runner must be in contact wit h the base when
the ball is caught before he/she can attempt to take the next base.
- Force on a
- If
you are on first base and the batter hits a fair ball then you must
advance to second base.
- Only
one person may occupy a base at anytime, and the runner behind you
may not pass you.
- On a
‘force out’ the fielder do not need to tag the runner, they only
need to have the ball and touch the base before a runner gets to it.
Base on Balls
or Walk- reaching first base
after four balls are called.
Batting Order-
the official listing of the sequence of the players to bat.
Fair Territory-
the part of the playing field with in or including the first and third base foul
lines from home plate to the bottom of the playing field fence.
the portion of the field within the baselines.
portion of the game in which a team plays both offense and defense, starting
with the first team at bat.
Playing Area: